65. Bundeskongress in Halle (Saale), 13.10.18

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Calling for an EU policy framework to foster public benefit and security

Beschluss im Wortlaut:

In March 2018, the European Commission (hereon referred to as the EC) has set up a group of experts and stakeholders on artificial intelligence in order to draw up a proposal for guidelines on AI ethics.

In this resolution, artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as any system that is performing a task on its own authority based on available data as being able to adapt in accordance with that data.

The aim of this resolution is to encourage the European Commission, the European Council, the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Council (henceforth referred to as EU institutions) to speed up the legislation process and to set up stable guidelines, that assure that technological development serves public benefit.

JEF Germany,

Believing in the potential of these new technologies to transform lives and work practices in Europe, by increasing efficiency of and benefits in production industry, commerce, transport, farming, health care, medical care, and education;

Aware of the impact of artificial intelligence and robotics on all parts of society;

Recognising that increased data availability, facilitated through public structures, optimises AI and robotics;

Noting further that the existing European legislation and policies are neither sufficient nor applicable on robotic and artificial intelligence;

Drawing attention to the lack of regulation on robotics including but not limited to product liability and responsibility for malfunction, harmful action, omission or other damages caused by a robot in the European legal framework;

Claiming the need for European institutions and member states to enact on liability and responsibility concerns;

Noting the personalisation of health care by the implementation of artificial intelligence and robots in medicine and care;

Deeply concerned about the existing legal vacuum on the topic of artificial intelligence;

Knowing that our economic system drives for automation of repetitive tasks in every sector including medical, legal and advising services, and creative industry;

JEF Germany, therefore,

Calls for an appropriate involvement of AI and robotics into the existing social welfare systems by taxing the companies replacing physical human jobs by AI or robotics;

Reaffirms the need for ECs support of training and education on digital technologies at all career stages for instance through subsidised/tax-incentivised on-the-job training and encouraging extending financial support thereof (e.g. EASI);

Stresses the need for EU institutions to implement ethical standards on artificial intelligence and robotics into European legal framework;

Underlines the importance of a cautious and gradual implementation of AI when health and security are at stake, in order to determine potential opportunities and risks;

Calls for the establishment of common and clear legal definitions in the domain of AI;

Re-emphasises the importance of raising awareness on AI and robotics to the general public and implementing these topics in all levels of education;

Recommends economic and social mechanisms for the support of livelihood during the transition due to automation;

Calls for a decentralised European control and registration system for AI and robotics;

Draws attention to the needs of public policy to support a strategy, that everyone can benefit from AI and big data innovations;

Recognises the success of scientific institutions (e.g. ESA) supported by the EC, endorse the establishment of an analogous body for the implementation and further development of AI for large-scale public projects;

Welcomes the European institutions effort to support small and medium size businesses in the field of AI and robotics structurally and financially, potentially as private sector partners to the European bodies referenced in the clause above.

This resolution shall be introduced by JEF Germany at the next Federal Committee Meeting or alternatively at the next European Congress.

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Calling for an EU policy framework to foster public benefit and security